Support my free sites for FREE when you purchase something from
by just creating a new bookmark or replacing your current bookmark to Amazon.

All of my sites are non-profit information websites and, whine, whine, it takes time and expense to keep the domains and hosting up and running. You can automatically make a free donation whenever you purchase anything from (to me or Amazon, your choice) by clicking on the above banner (may have to un-ad block it) to go to Amazon, a banner ad I don't put on every freaking page, thank you very much. It'll be as easy peasy as it gets and.....

It will cost you absolutely nothing more.  

Here's how:

1. Click on a link above, if you see any (if not, unblock this page, see 1 below), and it takes you to Amazon (big ad for USA, others for other countries). Then bookmark that page which includes info that will credit me with sending you. Use that bookmark whenever you go to Amazon.

2. If you already have Amazon bookmarked, replace the old with the new. If you don't use a link that sends a bit to me, pick another Amazon Associate and bookmark their Amazon link. The unthinkable thing would be to just go to Amazon without making them part with a bit of change. They already make plenty.

Or, bookmark this page, call it "Amazon" or leave name blank to take up less room on bookmark bar if you know what the favicon means, and use it as your Amazon link. Before ordering from Amazon, just click it (which loads this page so you can see it again) and click link above. Your cost is two clicks instead of one, or one extra click. Your donation: 4% to 6% of whatevery you buy—money that otherwise just increases their profit margin.

1. If no ad is seen above, click on whatever Ad Block app ( ) icon you are using (look upper right corner) and 'Enable' this and only this page/domain.

2. Bookmark this page and add it to the bookmarks bar of your browser. Let me know (Contact Me) if you do—inquiring minds want to know. Few will, so seriously, if you do, you'll be helping immeasurably as one of the few who do. If nothing else, it is the thought that counts.

3. If you already have Amazon bookmarked, move your new bookmark next to it (drag and drop it) and delete existing bookmark. The favicon will even look like it should, In the year prior to this experiment I made $83 from Amazon ads on sites. If I make more because a few bookmark this page, I'll start removing ads from all the other pages—all if all were to go well, so win, win.

Thank you for supporting my sites and taking from the rich!

Occasionally I check to see if I get any credit for sales other than for books linked to from specific sites. So far:

2015+ Gifts

Time period Number of items Total
Jan 1 - Feb 15 5 $1.75
Feb 16 - April 15 15 $11.06
April 16 - June 15 30 $31.09
June 16 - August 15 9 $4.02
August 16 - Oct 15 11 $23.29
Oct 15 - Dec 31 31 $17.80
Jan 15 - May 15 36 $56.38
